Jeremy and Kiera invited me to Cody Party to photograph their party supply inventory so they could update their website. So I spent the day at Cody Party at the Merivale location. I've never done anything like this, I got to work with all the beautiful party supply pieces, used fruits and my imagination to create decor and spent time with Jeremy, Kiera and my little man Olly at their store.
Jeremy just kept feeding me inventory and I had a little booth set up. I had to move quick because the amount of supplies they have is endless. Set up, shoot and next.
Every home should have this!!
A chocolate fountain
Punch fountain and Snow Cones
And of course Pop Corn!
There was ONE thing I was nervous about. I am the worlds biggest cluts. We received 12 wine glasses as a wedding present and in 8 months I broke all 12 (Frankie helped). So I had good reason to be nervous about spending the day shooting glassware. I'm happy to report, I broke nothing. In fact, Jeremy broke a plate and that makes me strangely happy haha.

Crowd Control
For more go to: Cody Party
Best part of the shoot was getting to hang out with my little Olly